
巨乳 av 《魔兽》电影席卷中国票房
发布日期:2024-10-08 16:36    点击次数:119

巨乳 av 《魔兽》电影席卷中国票房

《魔兽》电影官方微博文书,该片国内票房也曾厚爱龙套13亿大关。不外,比拟国内的火爆,该片在北好意思首周票房仅为1.59亿元。此外,与票房变成呼应的是口碑,《魔兽》在豆瓣的评分高达8分(满分10分),而在好意思国评分网站烂番茄上巨乳 av,只好恻隐的27%(满分100%)。


Bolstered by a bevy of marketing partners and the exhibition muscle of its parent company’s cinema chain, Legendary Entertainment’s “Warcraft” smashed its way into the box-office record books in China, earning $156 million in its first five days in theaters. 在营销伙伴和母公司强有劲的影院连锁复旧下,传奇文娱公司的《魔兽》电影在中国内地上映5天就获取1.56亿元的票房,沿途闯进中国票房记载历史。

The opening-week performance of “Warcraft” already has outstripped the entire China runs of other major Hollywood films released this year including “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” and “Kung Fu Panda 3.” And the movie’s China receipts have been some six times greater than its domestic earnings. 《魔兽》的上映后的首周票房就也曾逾越了本年在中国上映的其他几部好莱坞影片,比如《星球大战:原力醒觉》和《功夫熊猫3》。况且,该片在中国的票房收入逾越了其在好意思国收入的6倍。

影片《魔兽》是字据由着名游戏公司暴雪文娱(Blizzard Entertainment)制作的驰名汇聚游戏《魔兽寰球》(World of Warcraft)改编的。这是一款大型多东谈主在线变装演出游戏(Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game,MMORPG),有着完好意思的历史布景本事线。玩家在魔兽寰球中冒险、完成任务、探索未知的寰球、治服怪物等。


smash its way into the box-office record books,这里的smash有“冲破、龙套”的真谛,也便是说影片票房收入龙套了之前的一些记录,被记入中国票房的记录史书。

outstrip the entire China runs of other major Hollywood films,outstrip是“出奇、逾越”的真谛,这里将该片与本年引进的其他好莱坞影片作念了对比,其票房收入逾越了其他的好莱坞影片。

gross $156 million over five days,gross这个词持续抒发“总”的真谛巨乳 av,比如gross domestic production(国内分娩总值),在这里gross四肢动词,抒发“悉数收入、悉数赚得”的真谛。


reign/rule China's box office,reign和rule齐暗示“总揽”的真谛,这里抒发的便是该片票房获利傲东谈主。

be a smash hit in China,smash作念名词的时候跟smash hit是一个真谛,即“弘大的到手”。



1. 上映本事选得好

The movie benefited from a release over the Dragon Boat Festival holiday and a near-simultaneous dating with its U.S. debut. 该片上映本事就怕赶上端午节假期,况且与好意思国的首映本事也差未几同步。

2. 粉丝基础好

The video game is very popular in China, and many fans have been anticipating the film’s release for years. 魔兽游戏在中国十分受接待,许多粉丝盼这部电影也曾盼好几年了。



3. 刊行方淳朴财力复旧

More than a year before the movie’s release, Legendary lined up financial backers in China, including Internet giant Tencent, state-run China Film Group and the Huayi Bros. studio. 电影刊行一年多当年,传奇文娱就与腾讯、中国电影集团以及华谊昆季等国内公司竣事合营。


The long-awaited fantasy film based on Blizzard Entertainment’s popular “Warcraft” video game series occupied nearly two-thirds of all screens on the mainland upon its opening Wednesday, with 120,000 screenings alone on its first day in theaters – a record, according to Dalian Wanda, which purchased Legendary this year. 该片上映首日霸占了内地三分之二的屏幕,首日影院放映12万场,创下了新的记录。

4. 营销团队执意

Legendary inked deals with more than two dozen major marketing partners including Jeep, Intel, Lenovo, an insurance company and an herbal tea maker, resulting in a juggernaut of promotional muscle. 传奇文娱还跟20多家公司竣事了营销合营契约,其中包括:吉普、因特尔、联思、保障公司以及草本茶厂商等,变成了执意的宣传营销力量。

(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)巨乳 av
